“Slut” Short Film

Set in the 1970’s, “Slut” tells the story of a naive teenage girl whose attempt to impress the local boys in her small town makes her the target of a murderous sociopath instead.

“Slut” was written and directed by filmmaker Chloe Okuno as a  thesis project for the American Film Institute graduate program. The twenty-one minute student short was shot in Southern California over a period of seven days with a day and a half of re-shoots. The roller rink scenes were shot in Ventura, the farm house was in Piru, and all the other scenes were shot on a stage in downtown Los Angeles.

In an interview with Sean Decker from Dread Central, Okuno stated that her influences included such films as “Carrie”, “Halloween”, and “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” – iconic 1970’s horror films that certainly inform Okuno’s aesthetic.  “Slut” also explores similar themes – delving into the sexual awakening of our young main character and the societal “dangers” of such female sexuality. Actress Molly McIntyre is an endearing lead we root for as she crushes over the local hotties and steps outside her comfort zone to transform into one herself. Unfortunately for her, predators also lurk in the small town, just waiting to strike alluring women in horror films.

At its core, the film is reminiscent of the fairy tales of yore – a modern Red Riding Hood. Okuno confirmed this parallel in an iterview with Dread Central, stating: “I wanted to find a way to do the classic moment of her coming home to discover the big bad wolf dressed as Grandma in a way that was realistic, or at least relatively realistic. From that sort of conceptual beginning I thought about the character of Red Riding Hood herself, and this awkward, bespectacled 16-year-old girl began to develop pretty naturally, probably coming a bit from classic movie tropes and a bit from my own experience as an awkward teenager.”

In a genre dominated by male directors, Okuno creates a strong film that earned the “Best Student Short” Skully award from Screamfest 2014. Take a look and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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