
Naked Zombie Girl is Back

Naked Zombie Girl is Back

The Original - "Naked Zombie Girl"

Sometimes a film delivers on everything it promises. Rickey Bird’s 2014 short Naked Zombie Girl  is one such film. It has copious amounts of both zombies and naked girl – staples of the grindhouse zombie horror movie genre.  

I first came across this film at Screamfest Horror Film Festival in 2014. The filmmakers had brought in a large cardboard cutout of the film’s title character and I remember the snickers from the dozens upon dozens of attendees as they posed with it on Screamfest’s iconic “black carpet” – marketing genius right there. 

The film went on to rake in over thirty awards from various festivals.

The movie’s premise  is simple: three ill-fated survivors flee the city amidst a zombie apocalypse. Barabara (Meghan Chadeayne) loses not only her companions but also her dress as the zombie hoard descends upon them. With only her boots and a trusty chainsaw, the Naked Zombie girl must fight her way to survival. There is no place for modesty in the zombie apocalypse.

You can watch the original short on Youtube: 

The New Film - "Naked Zombie Girl is Back"

Watch the trailer below:

Eight years after the original film graced the film festival circuit, audiences and teenage boys everywhere rejoiced when we received a new installment of this grindhouse classic – Naked Zombie Girl is Back. The film is not really a sequel – it is more of a re-telling of the original with additional story elements, higher quality visuals, and more elaborate special effects and gore. 

Once again Barbara and her companions are on the run during a zombie apocalypse – this time with a bag of cash and being chased by a mysterious man with a gun. As Barbara loses her cohorts and her dress, she must fight off the zombie hordes and her pursuer to survive the night. 

At only twelve minutes and forty-two seconds, this short keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout. The on-screen kills are fun and utilize wonderful practical effects. I particularly love one scene where Barbara squishes a zombie with a car rim. Watching the zombie’s eye pop out is a nice little gory touch. 

Nicole Cinaglia shines as Barbara. She appears just as comfortable sawing a zombie in half with a chainsaw as she does running through the apocalyptic landscape in the nude. Although there is little in the way of dialogue in the film (what is really worth saying to a horde of the undead?), Cinaglia conveys Barbara’s strength and determination through her body language and facial expressions. With the basic premise of a naked woman killing zombies, it could have been played as pure schlock and exploitation, but Cinaglia adds depth to the character and exudes strength and confidence, bringing female empowerment to the role.

Naked Zombie Girl is Back premiered at Screamfest Horror Film Festival on October 16th 2022. The cast and crew all came out to support the film. Be sure to check out their Facebook page for some great pictures from the event. The audience had a blast at the screening. 

Overall, I highly recommend this fun grindhouse short. The company behind the film, Hectic Films, hopes that the short will attract producers and investors so they can create a feature-length film or episodic series. I would certainly love to see more of Barbara’s adventures – especially with Cinaglia in the leading role. 

Learn More About "Naked Zombie Girl Is Back"

Learn more about Naked Zombie Girl is Back on their official pages:



Hectic Films Website:

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Happy Halloween shopping 2024! For over two decades now, the Halloween shopping season has been my main time for household and clothing purchases. Each year, I love to shop around

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Take part in a spirited séance aboard the historic – and haunted – Queen Mary with 57 Ghosts. From Master Magician and Apparitionist Aiden Sinclair, this 90-minute immersive experience takes

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We Bleed Red & green By Jeff C. Carter

We Bleed Red & green By Jeff C. Carter

On the first day of Christmas my ghoul love gave to me… We Bleed Red & Green by Jeff C. Carter. We Bleed Red & Green is a Christmas anthology containing 12 macabre tales for the holiday season. Curl up near the fireplace with a hot cocoa and read these bite-sized horror tales as you wait for Santa (or Krampus).

Mr. Carter reached out and provided me with an advanced copy of this book. It is currently available for pre-order on Amazon and releases on November 24th, 2020.

My Review

If you were a fan of Carter’s We Bleed Orange & Black, you will likely also enjoy this Christmas-themed micro-horror collection. Much like the other book, each of the selections contained in We Bleed Red & Green are between 1-7 pages. Once again the stories take a variety of forms – from traditional prose, to a cleverly written letter from an elf, and alternative lyrics for a traditional Christmas carol.

Each story has its own unique narrative and characters. Santa gets tough on the Naughty List, a shut-in becomes addicted to a mysterious snow globe, and a Christmas tree brings more than just Christmas spirit into a household (certainly a personal fear of mine).

My Favrorites

Two stories truly stood out in this collection. In “Turnspit Thomas”, a young inventor uses his creations to foil a land baron who set a hell hound upon him. At seven pages, this is the longest story in the collection and the extra pages allow it to have the depth and detail some of the shorter pieces lack. It has a timeless quality, reading like traditional folklore – with a young man on a journey, quick-thinking to vanquish a foe, and the customary neat and tidy ending. Although this piece was my favorite in the collection (and probably my favorite short story by Carter in both anthologies), it did lack a close connection to the Christmas theme of the other tales.

“He Spoke Not a Word” was the other story that stayed with me long after I read it. In it, Santa visits the house of a recently deceased woman and honors her memory. It is touching rather than scary, but masterfully blends the macabre with the sentimental. At only a page long, it introduces a heartfelt concept of how this magical being can remember us, even when the rest of the world may forget. I had not expected to cry from this anthology, but the story hit a nerve and served as a powerful ending to the book.

Overall, the book is a fun read and full of interesting premises. I would, however, have liked more depth and detail in the stories. They are all just a little too short to fully immerse yourself in them, but they certainly spark the imagination and are worth reading. This book will be one I pull out to get me into the Christmas spirit in future years.

About the Author - Jeff C. Carter

Jeff C. Carter’s stories have been featured in dozens of anthologies, translated for international markets, and adapted for podcasts. His love of Halloween (and Christmas!), adventure and science continue to inspire his horror, action and science fiction writing. He lives in Los Angeles with a cat, a dog, and a human.

Get Your Copy of We Bleed Red & Green by Jeff C. Carter Today

We Bleed Red & Green is currently on pre-order on Amazon and releases on November 24th, 2020.

Check it out and let me know what your favorite stories are from this anthology!

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Attractions Destinations Theme Parks

Disney’s ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter

Disney’s ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter

Disney theme parks are not usually known for attractions that terrify guests. One of the greatest exceptions to this is Disney’s ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter (often referred to as just “Alien Encounter”). From June 20th, 1995 – October 12th, 2003 this scary theater in the round style show frightened audiences with the scariest alien Disney has ever designed.

No, not this Guy. Poor Skippy.

This attraction took guests into X-S Tech (yes, the name is a bit of a pun and helps to set a mood of dark humor) where the founder of the company was ready to demonstrate a new form of technology to help intergalactic travel. His opening spiel included many lines of dry humor, my favorite being, “Profit is just a by-product we’ve learned to live with”.

The second pre-show area featured a robot known as Simulated Intelligence Robotics or “SIR” – voiced by Tim Curry – who showed how the teleportation technology worked by transporting poor Skippy (the cute alien pictured above) from one side of the room to the other – with only minimal side-effects (Skippy was pretty singed after his trip). Then SIR showed how the technology can indefinitely suspend subjects in teleportation. The audience heard one last cry from poor Skippy before being herded to the main show area.

Photo From Disney Marketing Pamphlets

The main show area was theater in the round style, with a large “teleportation tube” in the center of the room. Guests would sit in chairs with shoulder restraints (used during the attraction to imply that the alien was climbing over the audience, create intimate directional sounds of the alien breathing, and have the alien “taste” guests’ hair).

When the director of X-S tried to teleport into the theater, a slight error occurred, causing a horrific alien beast to arrive instead. The alien inevitably escaped, ran rampant through the theater, and guests barely made it out alive from their encounter. All the while darkly humorous dialogue from both the X-S staff and “other guests” were heard. Some memorable lines include, “Don’t eat me, eat that guy!” followed by a loud crunch. Or when the alien first appeared, “It’s ugly”, “It’s horrible”, “It’s my mother in law!”

The experience was one of the most immersive and clever in Walt Disney World, but its cult following was not enough to keep Disney from closing the attraction due to its excessively scary nature. In November 2004 the attraction was toned down and re-themed to become Stitch’s Great Escape, a horrible assault on the memory of this once great attraction.

We can no longer experience the magic of this show, however we can still reminisce while watching videos on Youtube. Here is a full walk-through of the show:

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Party Games by R.L. Stine

Party Games by R.L. Stine

If you grew up in the 90’s, you read at least one R.L. Stine novel – from either the hugely successful Goosebumps series or (for the slightly older crowd) the Fear Street series. Children and teens everywhere loved the creepy fun contained within these books and my library was stocked full of R.L. Stine fare. 

Then, suddenly, the books stopped coming out. Although people instantly remember the joy of reading these books, no one really questioned why one of the most prolific authors of the 90’s was no longer on bookstore shelves. Other authors have stepped up to make young adult horror novels, but none have truly captured the feeling of creepy amusement parks (One Day at HorrorLand or the Fear Street: Fear Park trilogy) or killer piano lessons (Piano Lessons Can be Murder) quite like Stine. Now one has to scour eBay, yard sales, and used bookstores in hopes of finding worn copies of their childhood favorites.

Finally in 2014 R.L. Stine revisited Fear Street to create a story for a new generation of teens (and adults now well into their twenties who loved R.L. Stine in their youth) to enjoy. Party Games was released in September 2014 and there was no way I could go without owning this gem.

Her friends warn her not to go to Brendan Fear’s birthday party at his family’s estate on mysterious Fear Island. But Rachel Martin has a crush on Brendan and is excited to be invited. Brendan has a lot of party games planned. But one game no one planned intrudes on his party—the game of murder. As the guests start dying one by one, Rachel realizes to her horror that she and the other teenagers are trapped on the tiny island with someone who may want to kill them all. How to escape this deadly game? Rachel doesn’t know whom she can trust. She should have realized that nothing is as it seems… on Fear Island.

So Does It Hold Up

In short, yes. This book encapsulated all the atmosphere, twists, and turns of the original series. Aside from the question of why the Fear family hasn’t been run out of town because of all the murders/”accidents”/drama from many of the previous novels, the story is fun and you can’t help but be drawn into the detailed descriptions and action.

I will admit that this book is a little tame to the grittier, sexier young adult novels of late, but I personally like that. It is about escapism and a fantasy where life is about finding sweet teenage love as opposed to quickies, the harsh realities of life, and hard partying. Sure, one can strain to predict the twists and reveals from chapter to chapter and find the familiar formula from all Stine’s works, but if you understand the point of the novels, you can enjoy the book for what it is: just a fun read.

I would rate this book 4/5 stars in relation to the previous Fear Street series books. Although the book is a little tame and the characters not as flushed out as they could be, it is a great quick read with an intriguing adventure. I look forward to the new Fear Street series and hope that the future releases will be even better!

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