The Oddities Flea Market – Seattle

The Oddities Flea Market features artisans and vendors who specialize in medical history ephemera, anatomical curiosities, natural history items, osteological specimens, taxidermy, home décor, jewelry, one of a kind art, bizarre flair, and more. The event does an amazing job highlighting its artists and vendors. Be sure to check out their Instagram (@OdditiesFleaMarket) for a glimpse of the event’s offerings!

The Oddities & Curiosities Expo – Seattle

The Oddities & Curiosities Expo is a travelling oddities event. Vendors showcase wet specimens, taxidermy, animal bones, antiques, weird jewelry, unusual art, and all-around bizarre items. Local artisans and entertainers can be found at each event – no two events are the same!

Taxidermy classes are also offered at each event for an additional $200 fee.

Crypticon Seattle

Crypticon Seattle is an annual fan event celebrating all things creepy & supernatural. With a focus on supporting the arts and encouraging participation, some of their most popular yearly events are the film festival, writing contest, art contest, and costume contest.Their event also hosts panels, parties, and a menagerie of vendors on their show floor.

Sister events take place in Minneapolis and Kansas City, Missouri.